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Business - Server Consolidation

Consolidating servers from remote locations (branch offices) to central offices (datacenters) can significantly improve efficiency and contain costs. The benefits of server consolidation include reduced server costs, reduced compliance risk by limiting intellectual property stored in remote locations, simplified backup and disaster recovery, and reduced IT costs of supporting remote server infrastructure.

Migrating applications and services provided by branch office servers to datacenters doesn't come without challenges. IT organizations must consider and accommodate an increased volume of traffic across the wide area network (WAN - connecting branches to central offices). Additionally, some applications rely on communication protocols (i.e. CIFS) not designed to operate efficiently over WANs. These issues can significantly impact the performance of applications accessed from the consolidated servers and the overall success of the server consolidation project.

Blue Coat can help you manage these and other notorious problems associated with server consolidation. Our WAN Optimization solutions help you:

Blue Coat products for server consolidation include: