Blue Coat and Apple & iOS
The arrival of a new Apple iOS is always a hotly anticipated announcement. Rumor, speculation, leaks, intrigue and even theft feed a frenzy across the globe.
For businesses, one big question is what sort of impact there will be on corporate networks and the performance of critical business applications. In particular, a company’s Internet gateway and Wide Area Network (WAN) links to remote offices are at risk of becoming flooded by Apple-related activity. Such floods happen on an increasingly more frequent basis, and often come from big news, major sporting events, viral videos and even newly created corporate videos.
iOS 5 is the latest of these events. Blue Coat’s Next Generation WAN Optimization has the tools to maintain high availability network and application environments on the WAN and Internet links, even as employees participate in this frenzy.
- Special web and cloud caching technologies- Store entire iPhone, iPad and iTunes updates in cache taking the load off your links.
- Live video stream splitting – Make sure that keynote addresses – or your own CEO speeches – can be delivered with minimal impact to network bandwidth
- On-demand video caching – Drastically reduce the bandwidth required for YouTube reviews – as well as successfully deliver your own LMS and employee training.
- Content aware visibility and control – Identify all the traffic on your network, then contain recreational and questionable use traffic to assure network and application uptime.
All these are part of Blue Coat’s Next Generation WAN Optimization solutions that accelerate performance, reduce bandwidth costs, enable you to transition to consolidated IT architectures and deliver infrastructure to adapt to the Internet connected world.
To learn how Blue Coat can help you optimize all of your Apple & iOS, download the following: Application Performance Brief: Optimizing Apple Software Delivery