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Blue Coat Advanced Analytics
Dynamic, Real-Time and Comprehensive Protection Against Web- and Email-Based Threats


Deep visibility. Protected reputation. To combat today’s sophisticated network attacks, you need a deeper understanding of everything that’s happening on your networks—all the activities, applications, and personas. And that requires more than data, analysis, and the latest signature-based preventative security tools.

What’s needed is an active, responsive, integrated approach to network security—a way to capture, analyze, collect, and make sense of all the data traversing the network, to fully understand suspicious incidents and advanced threats. Industry experts call this Advanced Analytics.

Blue Coat has a rich history of leveraging Advanced Analytics to gain deeper understanding of web and application content, as well as the threats that expose your business to risk. Blue Coat’s products – such as the ProxySG appliances and Security Analytics Platform – adaptively learn from Advanced Analytics to become smarter and more adept at identifying threats and delivering a robust defense against advanced attacks, malware, and other malicious content.

Blue Coat products leverage Advanced Analytics across multiple areas:

Blue Coat’s Advanced Analytics drill down to find the patterns, similarities, and threats that you can’t see. They quickly find the needle in the haystack. Resultant intelligence directly benefits you with better, stronger defenses and faster identification of the threats that are targeting you and your business.

Blue Coat Products
Blue Coat Advanced Analytics
Blue Coat Advanced Analytics
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